Thursday 14 February 2013

I Believe That Friends ...

I believe that friends can last forever. I believe that friendship can go on without fights. I believe that friends are supposed to try their best to try their best to be there for the other. I believe that friends understand and trust each other. I believe that friend would choose you over their boyfriend. I believe that friends will never ignore the other. I believe that friends are open with each other. I believe that friends don't lie to each other. I believe that friends won't blame the other for something that wasn't even their fault. I believe that friends trust what each other say more than other people. And I believe that friends love each other more than themselves.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Another Love?

At last... dia sudah jadi boyfren aku! OMG! memang rasa macam x pecaya la. bukannya senang tau crush boleh jadi boyfriend. Aku tau kitorang nie cuma cinta monyet je. Kitorang baru ja kenal beberapa minggu yang lalu, and of course la perasaan malu tu sangat tinggi. Aku dikira untung la ni dapat dia kan. Aku belum tau lagi dia nie goodboy ke x, setia ke x. Tapi berdasarkan apa yang dikatakan oleh cuzy aku, dia nie bukannya jenis lelaki playboy, disebabkan  dorang sebelah klas je so aku pecaya je la. x apa la kan, aku pun lama sudah single, x salah kan mencuba je. BFF aku pesan supaya jangan pecaya sangat dulu kat dia, just test dulu dia. Ok la, I try. Yang penting aku happy. kan kan kan?

Thursday 7 February 2013

Another Crush~

waaaaaaaaaaaa! I fall in love! Again! Kami biasa di Facebook ja, rasa awkward la kan. lagipun orang kata dia ni playboy. Memang la tingu rupa pun sudah tau. Org hensem mana yg nda playboy kan. So, I think untuk keselamatan hati aku baik aku pendam je laa. Another crush ni, yang crush satu lagi tetap aku simpan la. haha! amboi! playgirlnyeeeee. Tapi itsokay, yg penting aku happy. Like people say, do what makes you happy

Pegang Character Mother. Can I?

Drama? Pegang watak 'Mother'? Can I do it? I don't know la. Perasaan malu tu memang normal kan? And like org kata kalau malu tu biar betempat. Jangan malu nda betempat. So, kalau aku malu time buat performance nanti maksudnya malu nda betempat la tu kan. It's okay, just relax and buat yang terbaik. InsyaAllah, semuanya bejalan ngan lancar. Amin~
Tapi tu performance lama lagi. Bcoz banyak persediaan yg mau di buat. But, lebih baik buat persediaan awal awal kan? Okay gotta go ♪

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Let Go?

Sometimes kita terpaksa lepaskan something/someone yang bukan milik kita. Sometimes aku pun rasa macam tu juga, adakah patut aku lepaskan dia? Adakah itu cara yang terbaik? Adakah patut aku lupakan dia? Tapi hati aku keep saying yang aku mesti just teru bertahan, jangan cepat give up, sabar. Because a perfect relationship may take some time, some patience, and two people who really want to be together. But, sometimes aku dapat rasa yang dia tak mempunyai perasaan yang sama like me, means aku ni bertepuk sebelah tangan la kan. Sabar je laa ♪

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Humor of Life

Saying 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?' In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself.
John Green

I Hurt

it's killing me. ya know ♪

Monday 4 February 2013

So Busy ...

now aku ter'sangat²lah bz. sampai facebook, twitter, tumblr pun tida t'layan suda. kurang suda followers and friends aku. hahha.
why me bz? first, bcozz of homework! biasanya aku siapkan homework time malam lepas solat Maghrib. if time pulang skolah aku penat so kena chill la kan. second! drama practise, kat skolah kami ada ujian buat drama. so, kena hafal², practise lagii. third! Friday ni ada Krusus Kepimpinan pulakk. so i'm very tired laa, tambah lagi kerja² kat rumah ni. ok laa, gotta go. babaii. ♪

My Tumblr :)


korang ada Tumblr? Follow me. Thankyou ♪

Me? Sweet Talker? Hell no!

ada one thing yg aku nda suka, SWEET TALKER! aku paling benci laa sweettalker² yg nda berapa sweet tuu. kan bagus kalau cakap normal jaa, nda payah la sweet sangat. bawa maksiat ja ada laa. aku bukannya benci or apa², aku just geli ayat² bgitu tuu. lautan api la apa laa, kalau lautan api betul² padan muka kau!

aku bukannya jealous or apa. aku memang sudah benci and geli ayat² cinta zaman remaja skrg nie. dulu time aku cinta² and belum matang pun gtuu gak laa jiwang merata rata. tapi skarang taubat suda laa. Huahuaa! ♪

Miss That Person So Much!

2 minggu lebih sudah i'm having a bad day. Just a bad day, not a bad life! aku senyum and ketawa² ja wif besties² aku. but dalam hati, Allah je laa yg tau. aku sms dia, dia nda balas sbb teda kredit. aku call dia tida dapat alasan dia tiada line. boleh terima jugalaa alasan dia tu.

Aku tau dia tu cuma crush aku ja. bukannya boyfie pun. tapi aku nda tau la why dan why dan why aku sngt protective, jealous, and care sngat pasal dia walaupun he's not even mine! kadang² aku boleh dikatakan syok sndiri gak. tu yg sedih tu. hmm, sabar je laa. BUT! walaupun dia nda suka or nda balas perasaan aku sama dia. aku ndakan give up! you can't stop me with that boy! ok, gotta go now. ♪